{"code":"25822","sect":"El Salvador","sect_slug":"el-salvador","hits":"3579","link":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/en\/202111\/el_salvador\/25822","link_edit":"","name":""Dismantling democracy is antithetical to bitcoin"","slug":"andquot-dismantling-democracy-is-antithetical-to-bitcoinandquot-","info":"Alex Gladstein works in a foundation that fights against tyranny around the world. He preaches about Bitcoin as the present and future of the global economy. In El Salvador, he\u2019s found a complex enygma between a government that he sees as evolving into a dictatorship and the fact that it was the first in the world to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. Gladstein defends the principles of bitcoin as close to freedom and democracy and proposes that Salvadorans who oppose the cryptocurrency test an alternative: use bitcoin, but not from the government wallet. Leer en espa\u00f1ol","mtag":"Politics","noun":{"html":"Nelson Rauda","data":{"nelson-rauda":{"sort":"","slug":"nelson-rauda","path":"nelson_rauda","name":"Nelson Rauda","edge":"0","init":"0"}}},"view":"3579","pict":{"cms-image-000036592-jpg":{"feat":"0","sort":"36592","name":"cms-image-000036592.jpg","link":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036592.jpg","path":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036592.jpg","back":"","slug":"cms-image-000036592-jpg","text":"<p>A small group of protestors set the Chivo ATM in Gerardo Barrios Plaza on fire during mass anti-government protests in San Salvador on September 15, Bicentennial Independence Day. Photo: Carlos Barrera\/El Faro<\/p>","capt":"\u003Cp\u003EA small group of protestors set the Chivo ATM in Gerardo Barrios Plaza on fire during mass anti-government protests in San Salvador on September 15, Bicentennial Independence Day. Photo: Carlos Barrera\/El Faro\u003C\/p\u003E"},"cms-image-000036593-jpg":{"feat":"0","sort":"36593","name":"cms-image-000036593.jpg","link":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036593.jpg","path":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036593.jpg","back":"","slug":"cms-image-000036593-jpg","text":"<p>Soldiers and police officers guard a Chivo ATM near the lunchrooms in the municipal market of Santa Tecla, La Libertad. \"They ask us to make a report on those who come to see the ATM,\" said a soldier as he took down the name of a photojournalist from El Faro. Photo: V\u00edctor Pe\u00f1a\/El Faro<\/p>","capt":"\u003Cp\u003ESoldiers and police officers guard a Chivo ATM near the lunchrooms in the municipal market of Santa Tecla, La Libertad. \"They ask us to make a report on those who come to see the ATM,\" said a soldier as he took down the name of a photojournalist from El Faro. Photo: V\u00edctor Pe\u00f1a\/El Faro\u003C\/p\u003E"},"cms-image-000036594-jpg":{"feat":"1","sort":"36594","name":"cms-image-000036594.jpg","link":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036594.jpg","path":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036594.jpg","back":"","slug":"cms-image-000036594-jpg","text":"<p>Alex Gladstein, an activist for human rights and bitcoin, in an interview in Miami Beach on October 6, 2021. Photo: Nelson Rauda\/El Faro<\/p>","capt":"\u003Cp\u003EAlex Gladstein, an activist for human rights and bitcoin, in an interview in Miami Beach on October 6, 2021. Photo: Nelson Rauda\/El Faro\u003C\/p\u003E"},"cms-image-000036357-jpg":{"feat":"0","sort":"36357","name":"cms-image-000036357.jpg","link":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036357.jpg","path":"https:\/\/elfaro.net\/images\/cms-image-000036357.jpg","back":"","slug":"cms-image-000036357-jpg","text":"<p>\u201cBitcoin is a law that benefits only wealthy businesspeople,\u201d said Jorge Maga\u00f1a (in the red handkerchief) in the minutes before the march on Roosevelt Alameda in front of Cuscatl\u00e1n Park.<\/p>","capt":"\u003Cp\u003E\u201cBitcoin is a law that benefits only wealthy businesspeople,\u201d said Jorge Maga\u00f1a (in the red handkerchief) in the minutes before the march on Roosevelt Alameda in front of Cuscatl\u00e1n Park.\u003C\/p\u003E"}},"pict_main__sort":36594,"date":{"live":"2021\/11\/02"},"data_post_dateLive_YY":"2021","data_post_dateLive_MM":"11","data_post_dateLive_DD":"02","text":"\u003Cp id=\"docs-internal-guid-726f87e6-7fff-7022-9f6c-38c9f6d0e682\" dir=\"ltr\"\u003EAlex Gladstein thinks that Bitcoin is a revolution as seismic as the invention of email, that El Salvador made history in adopting the cryptocurrency as legal tender, and that Nayib Bukele\u2019s government is becoming a dictatorship.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein, born in Connecticut in 1986, is an activist for human rights and bitcoin. He knows that in El Salvador, perhaps more than anywhere in the world, the causes seem polarly opposed. On one hand, Bitcoin \u2014 which turned 13 this Halloween \u2014 is one of the Bukele administration\u2019s biggest gambles, garnering attention and positive headlines around the globe. On the other, Bukele\u2019s attack on democracy is one of the reasons why he has actively sought and even paid millions of dollars to earn those headlines. Although he recently began preaching the gospel of Bitcoin, human rights and democracy are Gladstein\u2019s specialty \u2014 in fact, his career.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein is Chief Strategy Officer of the \u003Ca href=\"https:\/\/hrf.org\/about\/mission\/\"\u003EHuman Rights Foundation\u003C\/a\u003E, a non-profit established in 2005 that promotes human rights and focuses on authoritarian regimes. Gladstein, who majored in international relations at Tufts University, has worked on Cuba and North Korea. Every year, HRF organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum, which has been described as a \u201cCoachella for activists and dissidents\u201d. This year\u2019s conference took place in Miami, bringing together bitcoiners with human right defenders from places like Nicaragua, Venezuela and North Korea. Gladstein spoke to El Faro on October 6, poolside in the glitzy SLS hotel at Miami Beach.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cMy theory is that Bitcoin is a trojan horse. Governments will adopt Bitcoin out of their own self-interest and self-preservation, but what they don't know about or care about or even understand is that Bitcoin is a machine that turns greed into freedom,\u201d he says.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein sees the contradictions in El Salvador. \u201cBitcoin use is overwhelmingly and virtually entirely voluntary on this Earth. They're choosing to use it, in India, in Nigeria, in Russia. Only in one place is it not voluntary,\u201d he says.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E \u003Cfigure class=\"pict pict_land pict_move_posc 0 cs_img cs_img--curr rule--ss_c\" data-shot=\"pict\" data-hint=\"pict\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"pict__pobj text-overflow\"\u003E\u003Cimg src=https:\/\/elfaro.net\/get_img?ImageWidth=2000&ImageHeight=1333&ImageId=36594 class=\"pobj\" style=\"max-width: 100%\" rel=\"resizable\" alt=\"Alex Gladstein, an activist for human rights and bitcoin, in an interview in Miami Beach on October 6, 2021. Photo: Nelson Rauda\/El Faro\" \/\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E \u003Cfigcaption class=\"pict__text cs_img_caption folk_content typo_buttons line--ss_s0c line--ss_s0c--auto block full-width text-overflow rule--ss_l relative\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"__content block-inline full-width align-top tint-text--idle relative\"\u003E Alex Gladstein, an activist for human rights and bitcoin, in an interview in Miami Beach on October 6, 2021. Photo: Nelson Rauda\/El Faro \u003Cdiv class=\"photographer text_italic rule--ss_l tint-text--idle\"\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/figcaption\u003E \u003C\/figure\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein penned an essay,\u00a0 \u003Ca href=\"https:\/\/bitcoinmagazine.com\/culture\/the-polarity-of-bitcoin-in-el-salvador\"\u003E\u201cThe Village and the Strongman,\u201d\u003C\/a\u003E for Bitcoin Magazine. President Bukele has retweeted other posts from Bitcoin Magazine, but not that one. Gladstein called him the \u201cpersonification of digital populism\u201d, said that he is \u201cfollowing the blueprint Hugo Ch\u00e1vez used in the 2000s in Venezuela to consolidate power, only much faster,\u201d and concluded: \u201cA Bukele dictatorship is not inevitable, but it looks more likely every day.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cWhen I first started analyzing the situation I said the big question will be:\u00a0 Will he abuse his power to change the law and run again? That was in June and I was thinking that maybe next year. In three months, he did it!\u00a0 Things are happening so fast it's shocking.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EHe believes Bukele will go down in history for his bitcoin gamble.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cIf Bitcoin grows and thrives. He\u2019ll look like a visionary, regardless of whether he's a dictator or beautiful Democrat. It doesn't fucking matter. The price is the only thing that will determine his legacy and I'm here to tell you that I think the price is going to go up. So we need to start dealing with that now.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EThere are both explicit and hidden reasons for El Salvador\u2019s adoption of bitcoin. The administration touts the attraction of foreign investment and cheaper remittances, which constitute one fifth of the Salvadoran economy. Experts see the move as a way for Bukele to have leverage \u003Ca href=\"\/en\/202109\/el_salvador\/25747\/The-%E2%80%9CWorld%E2%80%99s-Coolest-Dictator%E2%80%9D-is-Breaking-with-the-US.htm\"\u003Ein the event the Biden administration sanctions him, as it already has with nine officials loyal to him\u003C\/a\u003E, for corruption or attacking democracy. The Salvadoran government has gone as far \u003Ca href=\"\/en\/202107\/el_salvador\/25611\/Bukele-Plans-to-Launch-a-National-Cryptocurrency-This-Year.htm\"\u003Eto plan the creation of its own cryptocurrency\u003C\/a\u003E.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein\u2019s theory is that Bukele saw bitcoin \u201cas a way to get famous cheaply and to try to become the most well known Central American leader, and he succeeded in all of that within a year.\u201d Just how cheap is yet to be seen. The administration has sealed all information on how they\u2019ve spent a $150 million trust fund approved to get the Bitcoin Law in motion, \u003Ca href=\"https:\/\/www.elsalvador.com\/noticias\/negocios\/bandesal-funde-bitcoin-chivo-wallet-fideicomiso-fidebitcoin\/891511\/2021\/\"\u003Eaccording to the Salvadoran chapter of Transparency International\u003C\/a\u003E, which requested the information.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cBitcoin knows that you want to just make money, and it doesn't need to be seen in an evil way, but the more people see Bitcoin, they want to get in, because the price goes up over time. Bitcoin twists that and it knows that and it turns that greed into expanding freedom for everybody in the world,\u201d says Gladstein.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cWith Bitcoin your phone is your bank\u201d, he explains. \u201cYou don't need to go to a bank, you don't need to deal with the government. You can earn and save by yourself without an ID and you can connect with anyone in the world.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EThe Salvadoran Bitcoin Law doesn\u2019t fit that definition. For one, it makes the use of bitcoin mandatory. The government also promotes a wallet that offers a $30 sign-up bonus and discounts on gasoline. Gladstein believes that one of his key messages for a Salvadoran audience is to dissociate bitcoin from the government. \u201cDon\u2019t use Chivo,\u201d the government wallet, he recommends.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EFor Salvadorans, especially the ones who don\u2019t like Bukele, the relationship between the government and the cryptocurrency has been written in stone. On Independence Day, \u003Ca href=\"\/en\/202109\/el_salvador\/25728\/Thousands-Defy-Bukele-on-El-Salvador\"\u003Eduring the first massive protest against the administration\u003C\/a\u003E, protestors burned a bitcoin ATM in the center of San Salvador. \u201cThere are a lot of misconceptions and the government has done a terrible job with education. They kept everybody in the dark, so I totally empathize with the protesters and I understand why they were angry,\u201d says Gladstein.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cChivo promises to pay in Bitcoin, just like Cashapp in America\u201d, he argues. \u201cWhen I go to my Cashapp and buy ten dollars of Bitcoin it's not mine. It's Cashapp's. It's a promise to pay you, because they could just go out of business tomorrow and you don't get your money. Salvadorans will appreciate that it's important to have physical cash, because it's your actual money. In the same way, you don\u2019t want your Bitcoin on Chivo because that's\u00a0 somebody else's promise to pay.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cIf you actually want to be your own bank, you need to withdraw to your own control. I think the campaign needs to be \u2018no to Chivo\u2019 [because] Chivo is contradictory to bitcoin. Chivo is not bitcoin. I think protesting Chivo is a great way of expressing displeasure and fighting the government.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E \u003Cfigure class=\"pict pict_land pict_move_posc 0 cs_img cs_img--curr rule--ss_c\" data-shot=\"pict\" data-hint=\"pict\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"pict__pobj text-overflow\"\u003E\u003Cimg src=https:\/\/elfaro.net\/get_img?ImageWidth=2000&ImageHeight=1333&ImageId=36592 class=\"pobj\" style=\"max-width: 100%\" rel=\"resizable\" alt=\"A small group of protestors set the Chivo ATM in Gerardo Barrios Plaza on fire during mass anti-government protests in San Salvador on September 15, Bicentennial Independence Day. Photo: Carlos Barrera\/El Faro\" \/\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E \u003Cfigcaption class=\"pict__text cs_img_caption folk_content typo_buttons line--ss_s0c line--ss_s0c--auto block full-width text-overflow rule--ss_l relative\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"__content block-inline full-width align-top tint-text--idle relative\"\u003E A small group of protestors set the Chivo ATM in Gerardo Barrios Plaza on fire during mass anti-government protests in San Salvador on September 15, Bicentennial Independence Day. Photo: Carlos Barrera\/El Faro \u003Cdiv class=\"photographer text_italic rule--ss_l tint-text--idle\"\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/figcaption\u003E \u003C\/figure\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EHRF, where Gladstein works, has called El Salvador a \u201ccompetitive authoritarian\u201d regime with \u201cresidual freedom,\u201d the same category for Nicaragua. Gladstein says bitcoin and the technology it runs on are tools for dissidents of authoritarian regimes.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cThe Chinese government is abusing technology to put leaders in prison camps, to abuse millions of people and to surveil them. At the same time, technology can be an empowerment tool. And that's the Bitcoin side of the story. Encrypted messaging, Signal, virtual private networks, VPNs, navigators like Tor, and Bitcoin are all freedom technology. Most technology is surveillance and authoritarian technology: AI, Big Data surveillance, Big Data analysis. All will be abused by governments to spy on and control you. Bitcoin allows you to be free. So Bitcoin is anti-authoritarian technology.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cWhen I talk to journalists, we talk about how they can set up Bitcoin to keep their work going because the government shut down their bank account. The cosmic irony is that El Faro may soon enough need bitcoin, because the government may close your bank account because they don't like you and they're turning into a dictatorship.\u201d\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EThe Problem with the Dollar\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein believes the international financial system doesn\u2019t work and that bitcoin is the solution. \u201cIf money was good and neutral, Bitcoin would die. If the money that governments made was neutral, open, a good store of value, and connected us all in a beautiful way, and was fair and just, Bitcoin would be completely useless,\u201d he says. \u201cPublic money today is subjective, discriminatory, exclusionary, broken, nationalized, and vulcanized, and breaks people apart instead of connecting them. That's why Bitcoin will win.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EHe places himself on the far end of the range of economists who have pointed to the risks of Bukele\u2019s gambit on an untested currency, and who have defended the dollar stability and pointed to corruption in bitcoin and the environmental cost of validating bitcoin transactions by huge computer centers. Gladstein believes dollarization has been bad for the world and, especially, for Salvadorans.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cI'm a beneficiary of the dollar and the dollar has dominated the world, but the dollar has negative externalities that people don't like to talk about. The dollar is backed by the U.S. military, the largest consumer of oil in the world. The dollar is propped up by our relationship with Saudi Arabia, because we need the Saudis to price oil in dollars. Money used to be backed by gold until the 70s, when Nixon took us off the gold standard. We've been on the oil standard since, and that's bad for the planet,\u201d he argues.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EOn the issue of corruption, Gladstein doesn\u2019t go into security risks, identity theft, extortion, or hackers. He points to problems with the U.S. dollar. \u201cYou can do corruption with bitcoin, but the bitcoin itself cannot be corrupted. No one can print more or censor it. The dollar is corrupted all the time. They print more to bail out banks. Salvadorans are dollarized, but you guys aren't getting stimulus checks whenever we have inflation. America prints a bunch of money and sends checks to the people. Did you guys get checks? No, so you're getting the worst part of the deal,\u201d he argues.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E \u003Cfigure class=\"pict pict_land pict_move_posc 0 cs_img cs_img--curr rule--ss_c\" data-shot=\"pict\" data-hint=\"pict\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"pict__pobj text-overflow\"\u003E\u003Cimg src=https:\/\/elfaro.net\/get_img?ImageWidth=2000&ImageHeight=1333&ImageId=36593 class=\"pobj\" style=\"max-width: 100%\" rel=\"resizable\" alt=\"Soldiers and police officers guard a Chivo ATM near the lunchrooms in the municipal market of Santa Tecla, La Libertad. \"They ask us to make a report on those who come to see the ATM,\" said a soldier as he took down the name of a photojournalist from El Faro. Photo: V\u00edctor Pe\u00f1a\/El Faro\" \/\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E \u003Cfigcaption class=\"pict__text cs_img_caption folk_content typo_buttons line--ss_s0c line--ss_s0c--auto block full-width text-overflow rule--ss_l relative\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"__content block-inline full-width align-top tint-text--idle relative\"\u003E Soldiers and police officers guard a Chivo ATM near the lunchrooms in the municipal market of Santa Tecla, La Libertad. \"They ask us to make a report on those who come to see the ATM,\" said a soldier as he took down the name of a photojournalist from El Faro. Photo: V\u00edctor Pe\u00f1a\/El Faro \u003Cdiv class=\"photographer text_italic rule--ss_l tint-text--idle\"\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/figcaption\u003E \u003C\/figure\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein draws a comparison with dollarization, which took El Salvador by storm 20 years ago. \u201cLet's go back to January 2001. Why should Salvadorans care about the dollar? Because it's gonna change your life, even if you really don't like Bitcoin, or you don't like Bukele,\u201d he says.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EIf fiat money is a horse and buggy, bitcoin is the automobile, says Gladstein. He sees it as a better technology that the current bank transfer system. \u201cWhy did we go from mailing postcards and letters to email? Bitcoin is better money than fiat,\u201d he says.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cLightning, the Bitcoin Network, allows money to go from one place to another instantly in the world almost for free. It's a major upgrade on the existing Swift banking system, which can freeze money for days.\u201d Swift is a safe messaging system that the majority of banks in the world use. Gladstein predicts that every remittance in the world will be sent over Lighting, eventually taking over Swift.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cI'm not basing this on some religious zeal. I'm basing this on what my eyes have seen and on macroeconomic and political knowledge of the world through my 15 years of experience doing human rights activism, and studying the way that dictatorships and democracies run their economies into the ground over time. Bitcoin will continue to increase in value and\u00a0 governments, individuals, and businesses will adopt it because it's simply better money\u201d.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EMedia Malpractice on Bitcoin\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EBitcoin just recently emerged as a topic of national discussion in El Salvador, and Gladstein thinks the media hasn\u2019t done its job.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cIn my country the media has gaslit the people. During the last 10 years, the New York Times and all these prestigious newspapers said Bitcoin is dangerous and risky. It has been dangerous and risky to not own Bitcoin in the last 10 years. Things might be changing right now. Maybe they're working on new stuff and changing their mind, but for the last 10 years, it's been an open and closed book.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein believes it\u2019s important to point out price volatility and to register when it drops. \u201cIt's also your responsibility to tell them [bitcoin] has gone up 10-fold in the last year, 100-fold in the last five years and 5,00-fold in the last 10 years.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EA glance at recent economic history shows, says Gladstein, that the rise in the price of bitcoin isn\u2019t a symptom of a financial bubble ready to burst.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cAt the end of the 1990s, technology stocks in the United States became over-inflated.\u00a0 There was a buying frenzy and then fear came, the market crashed, and everybody lost everything. A bubble would also be like in the great financial crisis in the United States: the values of homes were over-inflated and then it popped. If you think it's a bubble, I would urge you to look very carefully at the history of bitcoin. Bubbles don't last 12 years.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EAs to whether Salvadorans should trust the cryptocurrency, Gladstein leans on a bitcoin motto: \u201cdon't trust, verify.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EBitcoin\u2019s founding document concludes: \u201cWe have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.\u201d Gladstein reinforces that idea: \u201cBitcoin went from a dollar to $55,000. That\u2019s a fact. You need to be reasonable and look at the price history of Bitcoin yourself and make your own decisions.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E \u003Cfigure class=\"pict pict_land pict_move_posc 0 cs_img cs_img--curr rule--ss_c\" data-shot=\"pict\" data-hint=\"pict\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"pict__pobj text-overflow\"\u003E\u003Cimg src=https:\/\/elfaro.net\/get_img?ImageWidth=2000&ImageHeight=1333&ImageId=36357 class=\"pobj\" style=\"max-width: 100%\" rel=\"resizable\" alt=\"\u201cBitcoin is a law that benefits only wealthy businesspeople,\u201d said Jorge Maga\u00f1a (in the red handkerchief) in the minutes before the march on Roosevelt Alameda in front of Cuscatl\u00e1n Park.\" \/\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E \u003Cfigcaption class=\"pict__text cs_img_caption folk_content typo_buttons line--ss_s0c line--ss_s0c--auto block full-width text-overflow rule--ss_l relative\"\u003E \u003Cdiv class=\"__content block-inline full-width align-top tint-text--idle relative\"\u003E \u201cBitcoin is a law that benefits only wealthy businesspeople,\u201d said Jorge Maga\u00f1a (in the red handkerchief) in the minutes before the march on Roosevelt Alameda in front of Cuscatl\u00e1n Park. \u003Cdiv class=\"photographer text_italic rule--ss_l tint-text--idle\"\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/div\u003E \u003C\/figcaption\u003E \u003C\/figure\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein spent a couple of weeks in El Zonte, best known as El Salvador\u2019s Bitcoin Beach, a coastal community where people have been experimenting with bitcoin for years. There he met Karla, a barista. \u201cShe told me: \u2018I don't want my salary in bitcoin. I don't trust it yet, but I'm willing to take the risk on tips.\u2019 That's a conservative, careful, smart way of thinking about it. Of course, if you need to spend every cent, then bitcoin is not very useful for you right now.\u201d\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003E\u201cCrypto is the continuation of the existing financial system by other means\u201d\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EAs convinced as he is that bitcoin is revolutionary and the future, Gladstein thinks the same cannot be said for the rest of crypto.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cCrypto is just the continuation of the existing financial system by other means. That's something a lot of people don't want to admit because they're very invested in these other cryptocurrencies.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EThere are hundreds of cryptocurrencies. Brock Pierce, \u003Ca href=\"\/es\/202109\/el_salvador\/25711\/Los-evangelistas-del-bitcoin-bailan-conga-en-El-Salvador.htm\"\u003Ea billionaire that hosted a beach party on the night that Bitcoin Law was implemented\u003C\/a\u003E, created his own coin, Tether. Milena Mayorga, the Salvadoran ambassador in Washington, met Pierce in June and has referenced him as a \u201cbitcoin ambassador and investor.\u201d Gladstein says Pierce is not a good representative of bitcoin.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cThose guys didn't go to El Salvador to promote Bitcoin. They went to promote crypto. People like Brock printed their own money and they're trying to convince Salvadorans to use it.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cIt's very tempting. It's a greedy thing. These people come in and they want you guys to use their coin. Crypto is manipulated. It's centralized. It's all a sham. Somebody's in control and you need to be careful of that. Bitcoin is decentralized. No one controls it and it's equal for everybody. Panama is talking about a crypto law. That's not interesting. It\u2019s not going to be revolutionary for anybody\u201d.\u00a0\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003EGladstein says he\u2019s trying to educate bitcoiners about the reality of the small Central American country they are so thrilled about. \u201cI've tried to use my influence in the bitcoin community to educate bitcoiners about Bukele. It\u2019s been controversial because bitcoiners want to just be positive about what's happening in El Salvador, and I\u2019m raining on their parade.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cbr\/\u003E\u003Cp dir=\"ltr\"\u003E\u201cMy recommendation to people who want to go to El Salvador is to study what Bukele has done and read your coverage. They could read what I wrote, they could read Jose Miguel Vivanco,\u201d Americas director for Human Rights Watch. \u201cIt\u2019s quite clear that Bukele is dismantling democracy very fast, and that's antithetical to bitcoin.\u201d\u003C\/p\u003E"}