EF TV / Violence

“I had to write down the names of those who left in black bags”

On July 17, 2024, an unprecedented complaint was filed with the Attorney General’s Office of El Salvador: A citizen, Fidel Antonio Zavala Pérez, sued the director-general of the Bureau of Prisons, Osiris Luna, and the directors of the prisons located in Cutumay Camones in Santa Ana and Mariona for a string of crimes: arbitrary acts, breach of duties, bribery, and torture. Zavala was declared innocent after spending 13 months in prison. In this interview subtitled in English, he says he witnessed multiple murders at the hands of prison guards and that he is willing to face off with them in court.

*To activate the English subtitles, select the gear button on the YouTube viewer interface and choose “English (United States)” from the closed caption menu.



Interview: Carlos Martínez

Editor: Óscar Martínez

Video production and photography: Omnionn and Carlos Barrera

Audio production and soundtrack: Omnionn

English edition and subtitles: Roman Gressier

Editor-in-chief of El Faro: Carlos Dada

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Carlos Martínez
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